Monday, 11 February 2013

Dodgy photo alert!

Though I have done some crafting this weekend, my cooking has been a little more productive in so far as what I started making I finished (I mean I finished cooking AND finished eating each dish!).
I put the finishing touches to 3 more tooth fairy cushions

 and did some more preparation for the bunting I've been asked to make but no other crafts to photograph. Thank the lord I hear you say due to the really poor photos that I take. I am so impatient when I'm taking photos and I can't work out why. I think I just don't find the taking of them fun at all - even holiday snaps are taken in a rush. I love looking back at photos but am always aware that they are slightly out of focus or the subject is too small. I can't decide whether I'm bothered or not, although I'm not sure that that is a good attitude. If I was taking pictures to sell things I'd have to take more care I realise (selling old clothes on eBay doesn't count!) but I'm not really there yet so I've got time to summon up the patience required.
So here are the dodgy photos of the weekends bakes: carrot and coriander soup, white choc chip cookies and a Hedgehog birthday cake.

I'm posting early today so that I can spend more time reading through the posts of other bloggers over at Handmade Monday so join me there if you can.
I hope you're not too snowed in this week! Happy crafting,
Love Natalie


  1. Cooking always is a comfort as it doesn't hang around long :)
    Your soup looks yummy

  2. I'm just the same when taking photos! It definitely brings out my impatient streak... i take my product photos outside for better light and when its cold and wintery out there i'm more impatient than ever!!

    I love your food photos, they look really homely and there's a lot to be said for that :) It all looks so delicious too! I adore carrot and coriander soup :) x

  3. Love your hedgehog cake. I remember my Mum making me one of these when I was little. You have brought back some nice memories. Thanks :)

  4. Can u give me the recipe for the carrot soup and the cauliflower one you made me once which was yummy!!!!!

  5. Your hedgehog cake really made me smile. And I love carrot and coriander soup but haven't attempted any myself (always out of a tin). I think it's the poor light at this time of year that makes the photos so bad. Have a crafty week.
    Ali x

    1. I think I might post the recipe for this soup because it really was so easy and the nicest of the various soups that I make at home. Then you can have a go at making it!

  6. Good photos are very difficult to achieve. Your hedgehog cake brought a smile to my face. Lovely :)

  7. What a great hedgehog cake. The natural daylight (if we can call it daylight) is so grim at the moment, that good photos are hard to produce. Hope you have a good week.

  8. Sweet hedgehog (no pun intended!). Good luck with the patience thing! Photos aren't always easy to take.

  9. A good photo shoot always takes far longer than you'd expect I think, so it's easy to be impatient.
    Those cookies look yummy!

  10. Can I have a doggie bag !!!! Everything looks yummy....

  11. The food looks so good!great idea of a tooth fairy cushion too.

  12. Love the hedgehog cake :-) My photos have only improved now that I am selling online - before that I felt the same as you - they were always taken in a rush! It's a steep learning curve, but worth it in the end! Glad you enjoyed eating your yummy looking makes :-) Simmi x

  13. yummy cookies! naughty but nice :P

  14. So long as I have natural light then I'm happy with my photos. Whether I take them with my iPhone, compact camera or DSLR, the important thing is natural light. This time of year is utterly horrendous.
    I'm not that fastidious about my photo taking. I'm a complete and utter amateur…just like natural light.

    I take almost ALL my pictures right by a window and always in daylight. I can't wait for the light to get better.

    Love the hedgehog!

  15. I made carrot cake this weekend - same vegetable but not nearly as healthy and wholesome :-) Happy Handmade Monday!
